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10 Questions to Ask Your OB/GYN at a Prenatal Visit

10 Questions to Ask Your OB/GYN at a Prenatal Visit

Preparing for your first prenatal appointment can be exciting, and chances are good you have a lot of questions. That’s great! Asking questions can help you feel confident and prepared as you embark on your journey to motherhood.

However, the excitement of your first appointment may make it hard to remember all of your questions. Our team at OBGYN Westside, PLLC, on the Upper West Side of New York City, encourages you to make a list of all your questions and bring it with you.

Because each woman is unique, there’s not one specific set of questions to ask, but the list below can get you started.

1. What is my due date?

There are plenty of apps and due date calculators available for free, but not all of them are 100% accurate. Due dates calculators online can be based on your last menstrual period (LMP), your ovulation date, or your conception date. 

Our team provides an estimated due date based on your LMP as well as a dating ultrasound. Less than 5% of women actually deliver on their due date, but knowing your estimated due date can help track pregnancy milestones and time appointments and tests.

2. What supplements do I need?

Maybe you’ve already been taking a prenatal vitamin, or maybe your pregnancy took you by surprise. In either case, our team can recommend the supplements you need. All women benefit from prenatal vitamins and DHA, while some may need additional supplements, including iron tablets, etc. 

3. What symptoms should I expect?

When you arrive for your first prenatal appointment, you may not have many symptoms yet. On the other hand, if you’re already experiencing morning sickness, let us know. Our team can give you a brief overview of common symptoms for your gestational age and tips for managing them.

4. How much weight should I gain this trimester?

Overall recommended weight gain is an average of 25-35lbs with pregnancy, but how much you gain can vary from woman to woman. Your targeted weight gain depends on your pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), how many babies you’re carrying, and any underlying symptoms or health conditions you may have.

5. Am I considered high-risk?

There are many reasons yours might be considered a high-risk pregnancy. Here are a few factors that may contribute to high-risk status:

Rest assured, our team is experienced and ready to support you whether you have a low-risk or high-risk pregnancy. 

6. What tests do I need?

Throughout your pregnancy, you can count on receiving many different types of tests and ultrasounds, including blood work, diabetes screenings, genetic screening, and more. We will review the whole schedule with you. Our team is always available to explain the results of a test or ultrasound. 

7. What physical limitations do I have?

Staying active and mild to moderate exercise is highly recommended during pregnancy. Exercising during pregnancy boosts your mood and energy levels, tones your muscles, and helps reduce your risk of developing varicose veins. Certain high risk activities, such as horseback riding, are always off-limits during pregnancy, but you may have specific limitations too. For example, if you have placenta previa, you may need to go on pelvic rest.

8. What lifestyle changes do I need to make?

Examples of lifestyle changes that can benefit you include:

Tip: Bring a list of all of your medications and beauty products (if applicable) to your appointment. 

9. When is my next appointment?

We will see a lot of you! In general, first-trimester appointments are monthly, but the cadence increases as you progress through your pregnancy. We will review with you your schedule your prenatal visits, which may alter depending on what is happening.

10. What is my plan for delivery?

There are many details involved in planning for your delivery. Our team can help shape some of these decisions, including if you’re planning for a vaginal birth, if you need a scheduled C-section, which hospital to visit, when to schedule your hospital tour, and so on. 

Ready to schedule your next prenatal appointment? Give us a call today or book your appointment online.

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