Tips for Thriving Through Your Third Trimester

Are you entering the last weeks of your pregnancy? Your third trimester 一 which spans from weeks 28-40 一 may bring increased aches and jitters. It’s also an exciting time that brings a desire to nest and a deep joy as you get ready to meet your baby!
Read on as our team at OBGYN Westside, PLLC, located on the Upper West Side of New York City, explores practical tips to help you thrive during these final weeks of your pregnancy.
Self-care is your number one priority
While you’re probably busy preparing for your baby's arrival 一 washing onesies, assembling the crib, and organizing the diaper station 一 don’t neglect your own self-care. Take moments to relax, practice deep breathing exercises, and indulge in activities that bring you joy.
Whether it's reading a book, enjoying a warm bath, or prenatal yoga, self-care plays a vital role in managing stress and increasing happiness.
Little acts of self-care, such as rubbing lotion on your growing belly, are just as important as the bigger acts of self-care, such as scheduling a prenatal massage.
Stay hydrated and nourished
As your baby continues to grow, staying hydrated and maintaining a nutritious diet becomes even more important. As your body’s overall volume increases, aim to drink plenty of water throughout your day to stay hydrated and support amniotic fluid levels. Keep a refillable water bottle with you to ensure you’re never out of reach from a glass of water.
Focus on a well-balanced diet that includes essential nutrients like iron, calcium, and folic acid to nourish both you and your baby.
During your third trimester, your growing uterus can press on your stomach and make it hard to eat a full meal in one sitting. If that’s true for you, try eating several smaller meals throughout the day.
Use pregnancy pillows to sleep better
Finding a comfortable sleeping position may become more challenging as your belly grows. Consider using pregnancy pillows to support your back, hips, and abdomen. Sleeping on your side is often recommended to improve blood flow to your baby and reduce swelling.
If you struggle with acid reflux, add an extra pillow under your upper body to help elevate your head a bit.
Stay active
While you may not have as much energy as you did during your second trimester, it’s still important to stay active during your third trimester. Gentle and regular exercise can benefit both your physical and mental health during the final weeks of your pregnancy.
Prenatal exercises like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga can reduce discomfort, improve circulation, and help prep your body for labor. Always consult with our team before starting or modifying your exercise routine.
Prepare for your upcoming birth
Attend prenatal classes to learn the early signs of labor, tips for managing your pain during labor, what to expect during your delivery, and what to prepare for your postpartum recovery. We highly recommend www.fledglingfamilies.com.
Pack your hospital bag early in your third trimester with essentials for both you and your baby.
Get relief from common aches
The third trimester brings several new physical challenges, including round ligament pain, sore feet, and achy hips. The good news is that you have many tools at your disposal to help find relief from common aches. This includes:
- Maternity belly bands
- Compression stockings (if prescribed)
- Yoga mats and yoga blocks
You might be surprised to find out that pregnancy causes so many body-wide aches. That’s because as your ligaments loosen up to prepare for labor 一 thanks to the hormone relaxin 一 it has a relaxing effect on all of your ligaments.
Listen to your body
Your body is undergoing remarkable changes. Pay attention to signs of fatigue, rest when needed, and communicate any unusual symptoms to us promptly. Trust your instincts, and don't hesitate to call our after hours number if you have an emergency.
Schedule your routine prenatal appointments
Regular prenatal checkups become increasingly important in your third trimester. You’ll start to visit us every other week, and then in your final weeks, you’ll see us weekly.
These appointments allow our team to monitor your baby's growth and check your overall health. We also check your baby’s position, which is especially important if you’re planning a vaginal birth.
Enjoy your final trimester
While it’s normal to be anxious for your baby to arrive, it’s important to also slow down and savor your last few weeks of pregnancy.
Practicing gratitude can have many positive health benefits to help you thrive during your final trimester. Keeping a gratitude journal, for example, can improve your sleep quality, boost your mood, reduce fatigue, and help foster patience.
Ready to schedule your next appointment?
Whether you have questions about your third trimester or need to schedule your next prenatal appointment, don’t hesitate to reach out. Give us a call or book your appointment online today.
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