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Can I Still Get Pregnant If I Have Endometriosis?

Can I Still Get Pregnant If I Have Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is one of the leading  causes of painful periods, pain during intercourse, excessive bleeding, and pain with bowel movements. These symptoms arise when tissue that normally lines your uterus (your endometrium) grows in other areas of your pelvis, such as your fallopian tube or ovaries.

Severe endometriosis has the potential to affect many aspects of your life, including your mental wellness, physical health, and fertility. As part of our comprehensive list of gynecologic services, our team at OBGYN Westside, PLLC, helps our patients navigate the complications of endometriosis. We encourage you to visit us on the Upper West Side of New York City if you struggle with this condition. 

In the meantime, let’s answer a common question we hear: Can I still get pregnant if I have endometriosis? 

Pregnancy and endometriosis: Know the stats 

The short answer to the titular question is yes, you can still get pregnant if you have endometriosis. However, it is possible for endometriosis to affect your fertility in several ways, and it’s important to understand all the factors if you’re planning on growing your family. 

About 92% of couples without endometriosis are pregnant within 12 months of trying. For women with endometriosis, though, an estimated 35-50% of women still aren’t pregnant after 12 months. 

How endometriosis affects pregnancy 

Endometriosis can make it harder to conceive for a few reasons: the location of the lesions, current treatments, and pain during intercourse.

Location of endometrial lesions

The location of the endometrial lesions can make it hard (if not impossible) to conceive. For instance, if endometrial lesions block your fallopian tubes, sperm won’t be able to reach the egg and fertilize it. 

Endometriosis can also increase your risk of having an ectopic pregnancy if a fertilized egg can’t move from your fallopian tube to your uterus. 

Treatments that impact your ability to conceive

The pain associated with endometriosis can occur at any point in the month, but it is most commonly during menstruation. That’s why many women benefit from treatments that prevent ovulation. For example, taking birth control pills can help reduce your symptoms, but when you’re trying to get pregnant, this treatment plan conflicts with your desire to conceive.

Pain during intercourse

Pain during intercourse is a common endometriosis symptom, and, unfortunately, can prevent you from engaging in intercourse during your fertile windows each month.

Get help for your endometriosis

If you’re struggling to get pregnant, fertility counseling may be beneficial for you. Our team conducts testing to confirm if endometriosis (or any other factors) is impacting your fertility. If we confirm that endometriosis is making it harder to conceive, we create a treatment plan to help increase your likelihood of conceiving. 

Your potential treatments may include:

Our team is with you every step of your journey from fertility counseling and 一 when you do conceive 一 through labor and delivery. 

What are your next steps?

Dealing with endometriosis is frustrating in any given month, but when you’re trying to conceive, it can feel even more emotionally taxing. Just remember: An endometriosis diagnosis doesn’t exclude pregnancy, and we’re here to help you explore all your options. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team with any questions or concerns you have. 

To learn more or to schedule a consultation, give us a call today or book your appointment online

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